Oral and maxillofacial alterations in children With Congenital Zika Syndrome - Integrative Literature review
oral manifestations; maxillofacial abnormalities; Zika Virus infection.Abstract
Objective: To review the literature on oral and maxillofacial alterations in children with Congenital Zika Syndrome (CZS). Methodology: Integrative literature review, carried out in MEDLINE/PubMed®, Web of Science, Scopus and Embase®, as well as in the gray literature (Open Gray) and Google Scholar, without restrictions on the study's language or publication date. The PECO strategy was used, in which “P” refers to children with CZS, “E” refers to CZS, “C” refers to children without CZS and “O” refers to oral and maxillofacial alterations. The main descriptors used were: “oral manifestations”, “maxillofacial abnormalities” and “Zika virus infection”. Results: The search resulted in 191 articles, of which 20 studies were selected and read in full. Alterations such as delayed eruption chronology, agenesis, short labial or lingual frenulum, inadequate lip posture at rest, malocclusion and high palate were more frequent in children with CZS when compared to children without the syndrome. Conclusion: Children with CZS were more susceptible to oral and maxillofacial alterations.
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